Saturday 18 August 2007

positive thoughts

A minor or major distraction from what I am doing, I am working on my assignment but the dangers of looking for info on the web is that I keep on getting distracted when I'm searching and I end up going off on a complete tangent. So I came across a blog and then I realised I had not written mine for the week.

I went to oxford last monday to look at the murals in the Oxford Union library by William Morris and other Pre-Raphaelite painters. Unfortunately I could not get a very good photo of his mural, but of some of the others. They depict scenes from Mort d'Arthur. The ceiling is also painted by Morris, although the initial design was lost because the plaster was not adequately prepared and Morris returned in 1875 to paint the design which is currently decorates the vaulted ceiling.

SO... back to work! My inspirational quotes for the moment...

I am succesful at fininshing what I start - Julia Fraser

Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it! Action has magic, power and grace. - Goethe

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