Thursday 28 January 2010

quiet like the golden pears ripening in a green and white bowl on my desk,
still like the winter buds on the bare tree
outside my window, and the magnolias in the front.

these slow and beautiful measures of time,
secretly as wrinkles form around eyes young
and the moment a freckle appears
– easy to miss.

friends feathered

Monday 30 June 2008

drawing for dad

My Dad suggested that i keep a sketchbook with me and draw things as i go about my everyday. Well of course this is a very good idea, makes a lot of sense, and i do keep a little sketch book with me anyway, but have abandoned actually drawing in it for a while. Anyway, so this one's for you Dad!

Wednesday 18 June 2008


This is something i am playing around with in flash, thought i would post the testers.