Thursday 23 August 2007


Well, I am working on the animation with the sandwoman, and as many people have told me before, animation requires patience... and heaps extra if you don't use a tripod when taking photos for stop motion. I will carry a tripod with me.... I will carry a tripod with me....I will carry a tripod with me....I will carry a tripod with me....I will carry a tripod with me....I will carry a tripod with me.... I have lined up an odd three hundred images with about 400 to go... but getting there! I am determined to finish this thing, get it moving. Some thoughts about the whole idea...

Well its about washing away or dissolving perceptions. I made the sand woman on a day when i was feeling rather sad, back in South Africa, thinking about who I have become in these years away from home and the way people see me and how I see myself. It was Good Friday and we were on the road, I thought about all the Good Fridays before, quite days of contemplation as I was growing up, with the sense of transformation and healing awaiting. I felt this weight of judgment on me (internal and external), the weight of disapproval - and frustration with it. As I sat in the beach sand, I was trying to separate myself from these perceptions... this is what they see, its not who I am, it is their perception and I wanted to be free of the piercing sadness it made me feel. I wanted to let go of it. I made her to be washed away, with the tide coming in, forgiven and released.

Well, I'll be getting back to it now.

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