Thursday 2 August 2007

Paper Doll

It is amazing how when you start doing something that is absorbing, time seems to fold up like a fan. I was sitting here, trying to figure out how to use iMovie and suddenly three hours have past. I have something to show for the time at least. I made a little paper doll, I suppose she is sort of a representation of me. Anyway the aim was to animate her, a little easier i thought than jumping in and building a 3d character and set. I am still figuring out how to get the walking properly and i have some ideas for refining her design so that she can move better. I also need to work out how to make this software do what i want it to do and refine me story a bit, plan it better.... and all that stuff. But the rewarding part i think is these tiny bits that you get right when you're trying things out, that is the fun part too and i did not want to bog down the process with all that stuff.

What is it about then? well it started with the idea of animating her posting a letter, and i have some footage of be included later. Fran gave me this diary with all sorts of pictures of the sea and boats... which Al posted all the way here, although i had not expected him to, it was supposed to be stashed with all the other boxes and stuff that Mum and Dad are storing for me. Anyway, so this diary travelled by surface mail (ship) all the way here. I have being sorting through all of my stuff, trying to get myself organised and I saved a number of the images before getting rid of the diary. So I have all these images of boats and the sea and, they linked in with what I wanted to do, I thought they could be a vessels to transport my messages. They also connect with my other water images in a way. The idea I suppose is to represent the connection, or the desired connection with home and my roots.

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