Friday 26 January 2007

Its Friday again and i can hardly believe that the week went by so quickly. Its been the coldest week so far... or at least it feels that way. I am finding it hard to be positive, but i know that like this week, the feeing will pass. I am determined to cycle into work next week as it is getting a bit lighter in the evenings. So many people are sick this time of year and it kind of adds to the down feeling. But i really want to stay positive and keep going with things... that is the only way. It does feel like i am kicking and fighting a bit at the moment, almost zeo tolerance for others misery because i am trying to fight my own. What a moaner i am! i need to keep myself in check. So i am sitting here writing this, thinking that i really want to put something new on here today, and all i am getting out is a winge... sorry!

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