Friday 26 January 2007

Its Friday again and i can hardly believe that the week went by so quickly. Its been the coldest week so far... or at least it feels that way. I am finding it hard to be positive, but i know that like this week, the feeing will pass. I am determined to cycle into work next week as it is getting a bit lighter in the evenings. So many people are sick this time of year and it kind of adds to the down feeling. But i really want to stay positive and keep going with things... that is the only way. It does feel like i am kicking and fighting a bit at the moment, almost zeo tolerance for others misery because i am trying to fight my own. What a moaner i am! i need to keep myself in check. So i am sitting here writing this, thinking that i really want to put something new on here today, and all i am getting out is a winge... sorry!

Wednesday 24 January 2007

snow ;)

someone else made a mini snowman before me...

The cold weather has paid off, and i woke up to a world almost covered in snow. everything crisp and beautiful. The greyness was transformed, I grabbed my camera and took photos on the way into work. Then fortunately the trains were delayed and i was finally able to quickly make a snowoman...she has been on my mind for a while.

Monday 22 January 2007

blue monday

apparently today is the most depressing day of the year, i did not notice but there is even a site to help people cope with the blues. well it is freezing but its okay. Going to do some studying/writing tonight, so 'll keep it short. Pic is a sketch of ideas for a painting.

Wednesday 17 January 2007

tree hill

Every time we went into Rome from Monterotondo, we passed this hill, that seems to be a perfect cylinder with a clump of trees on it. It really had such magical appeal to me.

This porcelain shrine was quite a surprise to me. It is one of the Vatican's treasures. The height is about 2m and it is possibly one of the most magnificently kitch things i have ever seen. So much so that i really like it.
I found the ancient sculptures really beautiful and took lots of photos of them for future reference. They especially because i have been looking at Rodin's work too, and really dying to make something 3d. Well... do it some wise people have told me... will keep you posted if anything materialises.
I have been working on my painting every day and will post progress soon.
take care!

Sunday 14 January 2007

sunny sunday

Today is the first sunny day this year... in london anyway. It is more like spring than mid jan. So no long posts, maybe something more tonight. I am going to go out and enjoy some of this light.

Wednesday 10 January 2007

Roberto's Photos

On next year's eve, before going to Fra's aunt's house, we were just chilling. He was playing guitar and i started making a new workbook. I did not take one with me because i thought i would get one on the way. It was almost the end of my stay and we still had not found one - eventually things started ticking, i had made many of them myself before... (will post some scans from it soon) anway so i started folding the paper and needed thread and a needle...which happen to be kept in the same chest of drawers as all the old photos.

Francesco and his mom started pulling them all out and we started looking at them. Lots of photos that his dad took as a young man. They are beautiful and really interesting. So he is scanning them all, and has sent some of them. Thought a few would be good on the blog for today.
Thanks for all you comments :)

painting in progress... the second part

Tonight i painted...over another painting that i don't like anymore as i usually do. This one joins to the other one i included earlier on. I will be working on them together now so i am looking forward to see what i have in mind will actually turn out like. Anyway it is late now so that's it for the day. Thanks for your comments guys!

Monday 8 January 2007

snow mountains trees

I am back and it has taken me all this time, hampered by (procrastination) technical difficulties, like log-ins and internet not working to PC crashing to get myself into gear to write something again. I am back in London (since Wednesday) and that has been an adjustment. I really did not want to leave Rome and the warm family vibes to come back here...well its okay, that's what holidays are for... to give you a break from everyday.

I wanted to trace though the time in a diary like way (begining to end?), linking in with photos, but i don't actually have the earlier ones with me, they are on Fra's computer and he'll only be back Friday. So working with what I've got on my camera, which is more recent here goes... At least this means i still have lots of material for DAILY additions from now on.

Before leaving Monterotondo for Terminillo where we spent a day between Christmas and new year, we walked through Monterotondo Vecchio, the old part of the town. There are all sorts of winding little roads and picturesque alley ways. Francesco was showing me all the old haunts.

We went up to Terminillo which is north of Monterotondo, and north of Rieti - said to be the heart of Italy- see map...

The trip took about an hour and a half, we did not rush too much. I enjoyed seeing this other countryside, that is hilly and covered with olive groves and then forests. Familiar and new at the same time. We left in time to catch the last bit of light as we arrived in Terminillo.

Walking on proper snow for the first time
My first contact with 'real' snow, love the way it crunches underfoot. The light was so beautiful over the valley. We were on a short circular route that contours a small peak. Which is also home to the abandoned mountain house of Mussolini (will include image at later stage).

Rust coloured leaves on forest floor
The area (pian de rosce) is named after the rich rusty coloured leaves during autumn and early winter. Next day, walks around the area, there was less snow than is usual for this time of year, but that seems to be the case all over Europe this winter. In the 70's and 80's this was a popular skiing area, but its quite now and there are a number of abandoned hotels. I suppose it could be a bit spooky if you let your imagination go. The quite was welcome after the crowds and sight-seeing around Rome. Walking in nature and clean air was restoring and one of the best parts of the whole time away.

Wednesday 3 January 2007

I had wanted to add something every day, but this did not happen so i'll just fill in the details up to the present, which is that i am at home now...

Also want to add some photos... i don't have all of them, but thats okay because there are too many anyway.The last time i wrote was on the 23rd, lots has happened since.