Wednesday 6 December 2006

Some new drawings

I have been working or playing on some drawings, they are sketches or doodles really. I took out some books from the college library... one on Rodin, i suppose the idea was to prepare myself visually for seeing the exhibition. And i am still minus life drawing classes, so i thought it could not harm. Anyway, without over discussing them, these are images of states of mind and states of being and hybrids, inspired by various images that i like. something like that, anyway i like them.

also, some little symbols which i thought could be buttons or an alphabet or something, started with doodling something that reminded me of a part of my fourth year exhibition, but now i am playing with them. everyday object, sayings, emotions, shapes that give the idea of things but don't quite represent them. (thought of willem boshoff's blind alphabet) This process seems to be working because, i am getting all excited about the symbolism of things and the stories that link in, basically i am biting into what i love again. reading Tori Amos' biography, she's got some interesting ideas.

any of you at home.... can you tell me other names for what the americans call sand dollars... those flat sea urchin skeletons.

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