Thursday 23 November 2006

a start

Over the past 18 months or more i have made less objects and have less material evidence of the time that i have spent than at any other time. this is probably why i have been feeling depressed or perhaps it is the other way round. either way i would like to try something like this to get me going. I'm fighting winter in the northern hemisphere after (un)appreciatively basking in African sun all my life. Anyway, sometimes when i am feeling down and sometimes when i need inspiration i surf the net and sometimes it seems to find me(this is not always the case...sometimes it has the opposite affect). - but when it does which i have discovered is generally related to what i want to see i.e if i want to be find something cool it is there. plus there are the old favourites to return. well, a start. I'll start with some images...because they make me happy and leave it at that for today.


Unknown said...

Hello Sarah,

Mike and Fran told me about this blog ;-) I'll peruse it more thoroughly when I have a wee bit more time ... had a devastating night last night with PC failure and had to work until 02:15 this morning to get it working, plus be at work by 08:00 so I'm a bit wacked. Sorry for being such a bad uncle.

Love you lots,

Anonymous said...

BLOG is good. As long as you don't BLOG in your pants... hahaha... or BLOGGER about.