Sunday 25 May 2008

mapping damage

Getting distracted, I am supposed to be writing an assignment about photography and mass media, how i get distracted, I have chosen a photo from the Sunday Times, from 18 May 2008 of rescue operations in China. On the same page is a story about the aid mission in Burma, directly comparing the way each government is dealing with each crises, and the freedom of press in the area. So I got googling, maps, trying to inform myself a bit about the area affected. It felt a bit like snooping or spying, I wanted to see how google earth covered each area. The satellite photos of Burma are quite clear, they even had extra images to show the cyclone path and some of the damage (screen-grabs), but not so clear for China, thought about the mapping and coverage. anyway as i said, i am getting sidetracked. i thought i would include my side tracks anyway.

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