Tuesday 1 May 2007

land act revisited

It been beautiful in London, sun shining and clear skies. I have been working away at art history assignments, which is going quite well, and I have managed to join two excellent reference libraries, which has helped lots. I'm hankering after time to work on my art, but its not long to go because my assignments are soon due and then I can work on art guilt free. I am really actually enjoying the research and writing, which is a first (at least in a long time). One of them is about informal art training in South Africa in the 1950's and 60's. Reading about Sophiatown, and the forced removals got me thinking about the animation that I did for the Journey to freedom project for UNISA. I think that I did not think about the seriousness of the forced removals and how tragic they really were, well, maybe I did but being my first animation, I think I was more concerned about getting the embroidered images moving and less about the impact it had. My animation is kind of humorous. Anyway, I am glad that I've realised this now, and have been thinking about how I could have done it differently which is a step in the right direction, I suppose.

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