Saturday 29 March 2008


Al in the kitchen

The Christmas stuffing sage always seems to have a new leaf.

Pot plants at the front door... I still need to figure out the best angle for photographing the garden.

from my window

Saturday 15 March 2008

I have moved into a new little room, I painted it white and this really pleases me because i hate the dingy magnolia colour all these walls are painted here, with their woodchippy wallpaper- it ends up resembling oats porridge - or worse sick. I moved all my pot plants from the old place so the garden in the front is much less of a wasteland. There is oregano, rosemary, lavender, star magnolia (which is white), varieties of heather, the clementis which seemed to be dead is getting new leaves and so is that other little shrub, although i'm not sure what its called. I've sown spring onion and wild flower seeds in some small pots, there is a fig 'tree' with two leaves and i'm just waiting for the lilies to pop out their shy little heads. As you my have gathered, gardening gives me the greatest pleasure. I love seeing things grow and helping them on the way.

I have finally come up with a rough idea for my research article- what a relief! funny how it was there all the time and makes so much sense - it has to be about contemporary South African art. I was doing all these searches and getting quite depressed about the whole thing, feeling so detached from South Africa, and making art, and all of that. It felt like these countries are all like separate worlds, the uk and London is like this world with so many different windows looking out and into it that you don't know which ones to choose. Anyway, i want to write about digital art, specifically internet art, and fortunately this is literally at my fingertips and on top of that it connects with my third year research article about the relationship between digital texts and history texts, embroidery and digital images. it fits. Need to speak to katty!