Saturday 28 July 2007


I am well on my way to sorting out my filing issues, and have transferred and archived most of them! Ready to rock and roll with my new computer! Well, that is just a start but a good one because now I'll be able to get going properly with these animations/movies I keep promising.

Last week I went on a course about curating, found it really useful in that it has given me a much better idea of how to go about doing things. I enjoyed meeting new people and having conversations with them. Many of them were also artists.

I have also decided to change the way i do this blog a bit, that is, I will be updating it every Thursday to be ready for Friday, this is much more manageable than trying to do it everyday...don't laugh! I know that I only seem to get to it twice a month! Its just a way of dealing with the guilt and being a bit more reasonable with my expectations. I want to start building a website (have started) so I need to fit that in somewhere too!

Anyway... watch this space and I'll try not to dupe you.

Monday 9 July 2007

indian ocean

Things seem to be getting back to some kind of normality, that is, I seem to have both the time and the focus to post something. I'm adding to the previous water footage with this video of the Indian ocean taken at the heads at Knysna in April this year. As i mentioned before about wanting to catalogue my images and video, well, its a kind of start. I have heaps of water, so i thought it was an easy enough one to start with, until i figure out exactly what i want to do with it all. I waas browsing around on Youtube and came across some really inspiring animations, some of them really short... I'll add the links at the below.

what a great day
sand on glass animation