Saturday 21 April 2007

Back from SA

Arrived back on Tuesday morning and went straight to work, which was a bit of a shock to the system and exhausting but it was okay.

Being home was wonderfully strengthening and renewing. I was so happy to be with my family again, strangely i expected that after so long they would all seem unfamiliar, but it was not at all so, it was like we had never been apart. I find this very comforting, still to belong and feel comfortable with these people that are most dear to me.

Arrival and Sycamore Trails
We arrived on Sunday 25 March. Fran, Mike and Tim fetched us from the airport. Mom, Dad and Alistair arrived shortly after us and we had lunch together. Friends came to visit later and stayed at Fran and Mike's for the night. Next morning we prepared everything for the family holiday, unfortunately Mike had to stay to move into new office. We got to Bronkhorstspruit at about midday and started packing the trailer etc. We arrived at Sycamore trails at about 6, just as it was getting dark. Dad joined us the next morning and took us up the mountain in the landrover. It was an exciting drive, dipping through small ravines through forest. Alistair, Fran and Francesco and i walked up to the waterfalls, Spog the great dane in tow. There were beautiful spiders, plants, flowers, butterflies, trees. By the time we got back to the Chalets, we were hot tired, thirsty and a little burnt. We had a braai for dinner and spent the evening around a camp fire talking. it was lovely. The insects around us buzzing and screeching, the stars twinkling.